Papers and book chapters
McHugh, C. J. 2013. ‘Towards a Sunderland Pottery for the Twenty-First Century: Materializing Multiple Dialogues in Museum Display Through Creative Ceramics’, Journal of Museum Ethnography, no. 26 (March 2013), pp. 71-88.
McHugh, C. J. 2013. ‘Review. Kith and Kin
II: New Glass and Ceramics’, Glass
Network. The CGS Quarterly Magazine, Issue 47 (March 2013), p. 14.
McHugh, C. J. 2015. ‘Recontextualising
the George Brown Collection through creative ceramic practice’, Journal of Museum Ethnography, no. 28
(March 2015), pp.85-106.
McHugh, C. J. 2016. ‘The Crinson Jug from
clay to the grave (and beyond): exploring the ceramic object as a gathering point’, in Christie Brown, Julian
Stair and Clare Twomey (eds) Contemporary
Clay and Museum Culture, London: Routledge, pp. 121-131.
McHugh, C. J. 2017a. ‘Clay and
Commemoration: materializing the somatic experience of warfare through ceramic
practice’, Encounters: Critical Military
Studies Journal, in production
McHugh, C. J. 2017b. ‘Ceramics as an
archaeology of the contemporary past’, in Kevin Petrie and
Andrew Livingstone (eds) The Ceramics
Reader (Bloomsbury Academic), in production, due February 2017.
Petrie, K. 2013. ‘Blending Approaches to
Teaching in Art and Design: Case Studies from Glass and Ceramics’, in Tim
Bilham (ed), For the Love of Learning:
Innovations from Outstanding University Teachers, Palgrave MacMillan, pp.
McKay, C. 2014. ‘Christopher McHugh Flotsam and Jetsam (Portmanteau)’, catalogue entry in Collier, M. (ed.)
and Bashō: Walking Poets, Art Editions North,
Manchester: Cornerhouse Publications, pp. 106-111.
City Cultural Promotion Foundation. 2016. Seto International Ceramic and Glass
Art Exchange Program, 2015-2016, pp. 12-15 (catalogue).
Kakimori Bunko. 2016. Wordsworth and Basho: Walking Poets, exhibition catalogue, pp.76-77.
Selected conference presentations
09.16 ‘Setomonogatari –
Ceramics as an Archaeology of the Contemporary Past’, World Archaeology Congress 8, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
06.15 ‘The
George Brown Collection’, Objects in
Motion Conference, CRASSH, University of Cambridge
07.14 - ‘The Crinson Jug from clay to the grave (and beyond): exploring the ceramic object as a gathering point’, Ceramics in the Expanded Field Conference, University of Westminster
06.14 - ‘Materialising the sensory experiences of war through creative ceramic practice’, Sensing War Conference, organised by University of Plymouth, Friends House, London
04.14 - ‘Recontextualizing the George Brown Collection through creative ceramic practice’, Collections, Collaborations and Communities, MEG Annual Conference, University of Aberdeen
02.14 - ‘Materialising memory: exploring the ceramic object as a locus of commemoration’, Memory and Recovery, Anthropological Association of Ireland Annual Conference, IT Sligo, Ireland.
04.12 - ‘Materializing Multiple Dialogues in Museum Display Through Creative Ceramics’, Multiple Dialogues: interpreting ethnographic collections in the 21st century, MEG Annual Conference, National Museum of Scotland
03.12 - Presented case study as part of Kevin Petrie’s presentation, ‘Real World student experience – Case studies of community and employer engagement in art and design’, North East Regional Learning and Teaching Conference, Teeside University
McHugh, Christopher, 10.11.2011. Kith and Kin - 'Heirlooms' - a cabinet curated by Christoper McHugh, available on the Tyne and Wear Museums and Archives at
McHugh, Christopher, 09.02.2012. Kith and Kin: New Glass and Ceramics Stage 2 - the 'Crinson Jug', available on the Tyne and Wear Museums and Archives at
McHugh, Christopher, 19.07.2012. What's Your Story? Discovering Family History - The Milburn Jug, available on the Tyne and Wear Museums and Archives at